October – always colorful

Our guests in october are: Rachel Rader, artist from Seattle, USA. Michelle Rak, artist from Canada, living in Seattle, USA. Kimberly Cook, artist from Texas, USA, living in Californa. Baniprosonno, artist from Shimla, India. They have all settled in, enjoying the...

September – visibles

In september Gullkistan had the following guests: Alfredo De Stefano, photographer from Mexico. Peeter Krosmann, artist from Estonia. Mia Makela, artist from Finland. Erica Kremenak, artist from California, USA. Alfredo travelled and photographed and we will see his...

Sharyn Finnegan’s exhibition

Evolution: Self-Portrait Retrospective and Recent Work Sharyn Finnegan, artist from New York, stayed at Gullkistan in 2010. On September 6th she will open an exhibition at the Blue Mountain Gallery at 530 West 25th Street in New York. Reception: Thursday, Sept. 8, 5...

Open studio

End of august open studio. Peeter, Vivian, Joseph and Alfredo were there. Gaëlle and her family and Thomas had left, Antje was travelling with her family and Joan was travelling in the north west. Click on read more to see photos.